Photo Booth 5c

By KryptoMart

Seeing red

So, November, I bought a new pair of reading glasses from Boots. Not cheap. I was persuaded to shell out an extra £50 for an anti-smear coating for the lenses. Hurrah! No more cleaning glasses every five minutes!

Two months later and the glasses show no supernatural properties in the clarity sakes. Today, I march in (politely) and put my (glasses) case.

'Oh no sir, they don't NOT SMEAR, but they're easier to clean when they ARE marked, and get shinier than other lenses...'

WHAAAAT? That's not how they were sold to me. I shall not be diddled.

'No one else has complained, sir,'

Well they should have!

'Oh no, everyone is really pleased' she says, grabbing my glasses and showing me how a lens is wiped.

I KNOW how to clean glasses. I wanted to not have to clean them so often.

'I'm sorry you're not satisfied,'

No I'm not. Next time I shall take my prescription and order cheap glasses online.


And with that, I flounced out. (Politely.)

They saw me coming, with their stupid lenses. There shall be Tweets!

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