Another deep orange and purple

Just popes into Waitrose for a few bits on the way home
had our lunch Soup of the day and a gluten free roll cup of tea £2.75 not bad with real butter for my roll. my gluten free roll costs them a £1.00 so not bad for me then this was about four forty five. lol lunch x

the skies are very dramatic when we were waiting outside the Black Boy pub for Alisha to get off the College coach from Ottley it started to snow hence the dramatic sky.
 ah! well soon be Easter lots of Choccy Eggs in the shops now.

feeling a bit better still tired and headachey.~~~~~~~~~
Thank you every one for the stars and favs lovely of you xxxx

keep blipping xx :-)
Have you noticed there is always a blasted lampost or shed in my pictures the tree was fine natural ?

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