
By Leann

Write Your Story

       What do you need to write your story? Do you want to write in pencil so you have the ability to erase and start over? Or erase and use a different word? Do you prefer a smooth flowing ink pen? If you use a pen, things are permanent. Aren't they? You also have a couple choices even if you use an ink pen. You can scribble out your mistake or you can crumple the paper and completely start over at the beginning. 
       How many times in life do we wish we had the ability to start over? We don't get our way~ start over. You have made me mad~ start over. You have some sibling rivalry~ start over. You have a death in the family~ start over. You don't like to study and consequently get bad grades and maybe fail a class or two~ start over. 
       I think you are getting the picture by now. There are so many times in our lives that we wish we could just take a little rewind and start things over. 
       If you were given your chosen writing utensil and the assignment was to "write your story", what would your story look like? I would like to think that there would be nothing but beautiful stories being handed in. However, let's be realistic. There ARE challenges in this life. 
       My next question for you is this..........would you want to write your own story? Or are you alright in living the story that has already been written for you? By God. He wrote our story for us. He added some hard times in but He also put some pretty good times in there too. 

                         Take this pencil and give it to God. 
                                                                    Give your life to Him. 

Photo taken by Jordan Croy

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