Texann Times

By Texann

Just obeying the rules

We were up well before the dawn this morning.  I was having some epidural steroid injections in my lumbar region to try to eradicate the tingling and numbness I have in my left leg, due to bulging discs.  I had some injections in November which seem to have got rid of most of the extreme pain I was experiencing, so I have my fingers (and legs) crossed that this latest batch will be as successful.  I have felt distinctly woozy all day from the anesthesia, and probably lack of sleep.  The medical team told me not to drive, do any heavy lifting or make any significant decisions today, so here I am, doing none of those, by the fire.  This also gives me the opportunity to show off my lovely cosy, new slippers which I bought in Bourton-on-the-Water while we were away!

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