The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Man Socks

Tuesday mornings are always stressful because mummy needs to find herself matching socks. The no shoe rule at baby sensory has us digging through the washing basket in a panic every week trying to find a suitable pair. When all else fails she wears daddy's.

On my travels round the baby sensory circle this morning I noted that everyone was wearing gender appropriate matching socks. 'Don't let them see your man socks mummy!', I shouted over. I crawled up to my usual spot on the teacher's knee and distracted her for the full hour. Mummy says I'm the teacher's pet. I'd like to think of myself as a dinosaur. Raar!

Daddy could not believe the speed at which mummy wolfed down three pain au chocolat's before heading out the door to dance class. Mummy says he's obviously never been to our Tuesday mummy lunches where the speed at which food is consumed is impressive! I said 'daddy, she's just eaten THREE pastries in the one go and all you can comment on is how fast she ate them...?

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