
By Memories4Me

The Calm Before the Storm...again!

Dear Diary,

This is really, really getting wearisome! Today is going to be fine (starting out at -15 degrees F.) but beginning tonight and right through Tuesday, it is going to snow and snow and snow!  15+" they're saying by the time it is done.  The problem is, there is no place to put it anymore!

Instead of fretting about it, I am treating myself to an outing to Tamworth, NH today to see the ice cutting festival at the Remick Farm Museum.  Harvesting ice in late January and February was a New England tradition right through the 1920's.  I will enjoy the day and not think about what is on its worrying about it won't keep it from happening, it will just ruin the joy of today!

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. - Khalil Gibran

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