Lest I forget

Six degrees! What's not to like about this temperature in Edinburgh, lest we forget it is the beginning of February.
The happy endorphins were coursing round our veins as His Lordship strode forth to Bruntsfield for the inevitable coffee before we took this blipped elephant pendant back to the shop from whence we bought it in November to have it hall marked.

So eager was I to have it for our Indian trip where elephants even come with their own Hindu God, Ganesh, that I bought it straight from Caroline Temple's workshop without having it hall marked. So now it is back with her, awaiting it's tattoo of silver authenticity.

Needless to say we did not exit the shop empty handed. It says a lot that HL bought a pottery jug for me and I bought a pottery mug for me too. This because it's St Valentine's Day next week and although the debacle of free pizza slices has long been forgiven, it has not been forgotten.
I will have to come good on the romance side of next Saturday, or I could be labelled self serving......as if!

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