The Tree & the Angel Wings

What a beautiful day we're having here! While it's only 30 degrees it feels much warmer with the sun out, & I went for a long walk along the Lake this morning. 
I loved the ice hanging off the branches of this tree, & I thought the large pieces of ice to the rt. were shaped like angle wings--certainly appropriate, as it was heavenly being outside without feeling frozen!
Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought the weather was great, as there were  people everywhere--a group of young men were pulling a long sled around with one of them laying on it, & although I'm not sure, I'm guessing they're with the Coast Guard as it's only about a half mile down the road & they appeared to be practicing rescue manouvers. There was a man with a camera who was walking his dog; it made me laugh so hard, as he'd be ready to take a picture & the dog would try to dash off, pulling the man off balance! The man finally dropped the leash to take a picture & his dog ran about 8 feet away & wouldn't come back! It would stand perfectly still until the man could almost reach the leash, & then it would leap to the side, just out of reach! I swear the dog was smiling!! 
And then there were the geese--hundreds of them gathered on the ice. I stood & watched them for awhile, & thoroughly enjoyed myself! They'd be totally quiet for awhile, & then one of them would start honking--not very loudly at first, but gradually increasing in volume--just like a little child that's getting bored & keeps saying "C'MON MOM LET'S GO"!!! 
 The honking would then be picked up by more & more geese until the wings would start to flap, & before you knew it, the ones that wanted to go started running/flying. Some of them had to run on the water to get up to speed, but soon they had lift off, & what a beatiful sight they were flying up & over the icy Lake!  My kind of day!! :))

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