
8:30am and at my desk.

A hard day in many ways. A day of grace and tears.

Short cycle to work, hand-and-wall kind of morning and then to the funeral of a man I knew just enough to feel the imprint of his passing.

Iain lived a life with one aim - to bring Glory to God. In his family, in his community and in every interaction to value the people he interacted with.

He had such grace for bringing people together.

His funeral was a gathering of hundreds of people.  I found it really challenging. Iain impacted so many. At times my grief was not about his passing, it was about my loss and so there was a selfishness to my tears too.

His family and friends spoke with such warmth and sincerity of their father, their brother and their dear friend. It was a beautiful thing.

"I’m asking God for one thing,
    only one thing:
To live with him in his house
    my whole life long."

A moment of clarity in the fog of the afternoon. These words don't speak about locking yourself in a sacred building.

They talk about being alive as a sacred place. Not holier or better than anyone else. But marked by the presence of God.

Was glad to get home, hug my family and share a meal together before Mrs theWeir went to work, the bairns made it through bedtime and I got some things cleared up.

I'm struck by the things I've been carrying - the dreams; the hopes.

But while what we do with our hands (and feet) are important. How we do these things is what matters.

There are many times I screw up my interactions with people - through being too concerned by what needs done. Or at least not letting people know why I can't be as present as I could be.

My there be more grace in the days ahead. Actually. There's probably the same amount of grace, it's more likely that I'd prefer to be aware of it.

Then we'll see the fruit of my life.

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