From Cymbeline

By Cymbeline

First Grower's Market of the Year

Seems ages since I was last at the Grower's Market - usually something that we don't miss - but for one reason or another it's been months since I've been.

What an absolute picture it was this morning - it was hot today (hurray!), but early on still manageable and the garden was looking brilliant with the light shining through the trees onto the cool green grass. 

It's an important community event, and unusually spans the villages.  People I don't recognise sit all morning on benches and wait for friends, who I also don't recognise,  to come up to them to chat and catch up.

But there's lots of locals and always a great opportunity for a natter.

Lots of new stall holders today!

Mum and Mark have been up for the last couple of nights, but have now gone home - Mark hasn't been up for ages and he does love the market.

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