One step at a time!

By IanO

The Magic of Motown

One of my Xmas presents was two tickets to go and see this concert at Glyndwr University in nearby Wrexham. Pam and I took ourselves along wondering how good it would be. It turned out to be fabulous and was non-stop hit after hit. The place was sold out, people were dancing in the aisles and we all had a great night. The audience was mostly our age with  just a few youngsters dotted about, no surprise really. It made me laugh when they ran the spotlights over the audience, the spotlights were positioned behind us pointing forward, the main thing that stood out to me was the shiny bald spots of my male contemporaries ahead of us. The performers did us proud, as I say it was non-stop apart from a 25 minute break at half time. I lost count of the number of costume changes easily in excess of 20, a real spectacle!

The only downside was that none of my photographs (from a phone) were of suitable quality to post and I wanted to share my night with you, so I improvised and took this shot of my computer screen displaying some stills on their website. I can attest it is a true likeness to what we witnessed :-)

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