The Wild Wild West

By Beedoesthis

Dusting for prints....

So, got back from the party, and about to head off to where I was staying, when a young girl in Georgian dress tripped down the road in a panic.  Someone had, quite literally, kicked their door in.

So there we were, four ladies, dressed up to the nines, examining the door, which due to the shattered timbers, wouldn't lock.  After a bit of hunting for screws, I found myself oddly the only one still dressed up, trying to fix the door frame so the occupants could get some peace of mind and sleep, and not have to call out a locksmith to do what I was doing for free.

Later on the forensic team came out, (one woman with a fingerprint brush and some sellotape) dusted for prints, and to the delight of the young maiden at the beginning of our tale, took prints of the house members for eliminating purposes. Nothing had been stolen, but this wasn't the only break-in last night. :(

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