
By memento


Thwarted in my quest to pick up Mr. M's prescription at 8:00 am because the pharmacy didn't open till 10:00, I drove around the city lakes to kill time, thinking that somewhere, at 8:00 am on a Sunday, there might be something amazing happening, just waiting for me to capture it. There wasn't. It was pretty quiet. And quiet is always lovely. So are bare, twiggy trees, in their own way. And frozen lakes, in their own way. Not so for overly-salted, covered-in-acrid-salt-powder streets and piles of dirty, icy snow. That isn't lovely in any way.

Lovely is finding new, free games for the tablet of which Blendoku is my current favorite. I will try it out on the four year old Wednesday but I already know what he'll say. "What does this game DO?" Cracks me up every time. Why IT doesn't DO anything, little man: no shooting, exploding, whacking or running. I know, useless.

I think the patient is slightly on the mend. Slightly. It still looks like there is a ball in his cheek, but more ping-pong than tennis. Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow is quite a load of nonsense but we watched it last night anyway. I liked Oblivion much better.

Cauliflower/chickpea soup with curry and coconut milk is on tonight's mushy easy-to-get-down-with -minimal-chewing menu.

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