On a wing and a prayer

This little Junco pretty much sums up life in the snow here on the South Shore of Massachusetts. Conditions have gone downhill rapidly since I took this photo of the house. We are now in the grip of heavier, wetter heavy snow bands and it's just mounting up and up. We've had a season and a half of snowfall in 17 days! There's just no place to put the snow in the city of Boston and here in our own driveway. UNCLE!

I was up early this morning just after 1 looking out the window as the plows tried to keep up with the endless falling snow. 

Thankfully, the road traffic is light today, but my brother and sister in law had to go to work.  Our back patio is really buried under snow, piles shoveled making a path( you can barely see it)and just drifted snow from three snowstorms in 17 days. Good thing we don't need to open the barn doors! I can't shovel, but I can at least help by cleaning off the Saab. T is going out after 2 to begin carving yet another driveway!

More photos later, it's supposed to go on till dawn tomorrow and then one day of clear weather and then another plowable event and then bitter cold.

A Carolina Wren seeks shelter from the storm this afternoon.

Starling, yesterday.

For the Record,
This day came in with heavy snow amounts and a steady and heavy snowfall.

Winter wallop

All hands amazed at Mother Nature!

Saturday we were at a 50th birthday party for one of T's childhood/lifelong friends. While chatting with another longtime pal of T's we discovered a shared mutual love of photography. I was taking lots of party photos and of course I mentioned blip. She asked for a link to my journal and I'm happy to announce that she joined blipfoto yesterday! Please welcome, amerture to our lovely community if you have a chance. I remember how comments really helped me feel comfortable here and know she would be appreciative. xx

Nearly 9PM and it's still snowing, softly, but snowing. T is able to work from home again tomorrow. The Governor has declared a State of Emergency, all public transit systems are shut down so the tracks can be cleared, it's a monumental white mess, everywhere. We're shaking in our boots over the forecast of another possible "Blizzard" on Thursday night into Friday and then something white on Sunday into Monday!!! 

Dogcorner, 6PM

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