
By Instography

I wondered if it was a deliberate joke - advertising Arbus at a train station. Probably not. Still, worth a visit I suspect. Maybe on a Saturday to coincide with the farmers' market and a haircut, now that I know Hammy does a good buzz cut. 

Other than that it was an early train to Glasgow to see the client and sort out the last of the issues. Too long, that's what it is. Too many questions to ask. Home to a wee bit of catching up with the office emails until it was time to head out for the Monday cycle with Greg. A punishing single speed ride up the big hill and the long hill back to Dunfermline and all the little hills in between. I'm sure I'll regret it tomorrow. But until Greg connects his Garmin, I'm the King of the Hill over the 6.5 miles from the house to the top of the big hill. No one else rides that route. 

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