Off Centre

By RachelCarter


but no cigar yet.
I'm sunburnt from sitting outside chopping the wordcount of my assignment down sentence by sentence by blooming sentence.

I finally got it all under the word limit and then added the references about an hour ago so I'm now back above word limit (drat!).

It seems wrong spending so long tidying up something that I don't think is very good but at least I can make the experience slightly less unpleasant for the marker by making it more readable.

I'm drinking red wine as a reward but the glands in my jaw are telling me they'd rather I didn't (bloody buggers)

Hopefully by tomorrow I can send my assignment and then start (catch up with 3 weeks of!) the digital photography course and stare in bemusement at the state of the house and garden.

Maybe I'll measure the children too. I'm sure they've all grown

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