Every Picture Tells .....


Holme Moss

It's been a day of fire safety audits: This morning I paid another visit to see Moore and Bacon and this afternoon I was over in Summer Wine country.

This is a view looking down the Holme Valley. Holmfirth itself is hidden in the bottom of the valley. The Holme Moss transmitter can be seen rising from the clouds on the tops of the Pennines.

The Côte de Holme Moss was a major stage in last year's Tour de France. The base of the transmitter is 1719 ft (524 m) above sea level and the mast another 750 ft (228 m) on top of that. This gives a maximum aerial height of 2467 ft (752 m) which is one of the highest in the UK. 

Here  is a more familiar shot of Holmfirth taken this afternoon looking the opposite direction.

Moore will have to wait a bit longer.

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