Sheep and neeps

The sheep are feeding on the neeps now that the grass is left to grow. They seem to enjoy them and luckily it has nt been too wet so the fields are not very muddy.
Another beautiful day , a lovely sunrise and the birds are really starting to sing. Two of the bird boxes have bluetits exploring them. We have one to put up that has a camera inside so hopefully they will choose that box too.
We went to the garden centre for lunch and to see what plants they had. Did nt buy any.
Very busy at Brownies finishing off activities for our Highland Badge. Some of the girls taught the rest how to do Highland Dancing. We played a game where the girls had to run to a 'Scottish Island' and the last one there was out and sent to spend time on Harris, Skye, Jura, Orkney or Shetland. We tried to sing Flower Of Scotland. We made a hide and had a guess the animal game and finally we just about had time to make a Nessie out of some green bubble wrap that I got during the week with an order. Just enough for every brownie to have a piece. It was great to see their ideas, some had spikes, feathers, teeth and beady eyes. Some of them looked really comical and we had a fit of the giggles :) 

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