The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Daddy Belt

Daddy now has 2 days under his belt as a one day a week stay at home dad. He commences his 3rd day today. In his short time in this role he has learned many things, like how to pick a matching outfit for me. Today it only took him 20 minutes to decide. I scored him 7 out of 10 for effort.

As mummy shot out the door to work she left me and daddy with a list of possible things to do with our day. We decided on none of them. Instead we took a 2.5 hour walk then went to visit mummy at work. When mummy got home later on I was so excited to see her that I threw up all the many many things daddy had fed me today. It splattered all over her.

Daddy's also learning a greater appreciation for things:
1. Mummy
2. Toilet breaks
3. My bedtime

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