Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

...Do you think I'm sexy?

Honestly, isn't she a beauty? And check her out in Sexy Large! Yep, Wild Turkey, in all her splendor and glory. I guess it is no wonder that the tom turkeys mate and leave immediately, leaving mom to raise her chicks on her own. I was out faffing in the yard when I caught some motion out of the corner of my eye and saw this lovely lady strolling out of the woods. She posed for a few close ups before her shy inner-chick took over and she sashayed off into the woods again.

I was thrilled to see the male Ruby-throated Hummingbird do his spectacular mating flight today. Basically, it consists of a huge U circuit that he flies at mind-boggling speeds while his lady-love watches. I didn't even try to photograph it because I don't think I could pan the camera fast enough. More a moment to be enjoyed.

I also saw two downy woodpeckers at the suet feeder today - not sure if it was a pair, or dad and a fledgling. The timing would be right for a fledgling, but I am not sure...

In other breaking news, the chickadees apparently fledged this morning while I was working! I went out mid-day to see what was happening in the back 40, and was horrified to see a house wren entering the nest box. I ran over and tapped on the box, the wren flew out; then I carefully opened the box ... empty! So, I guess all the chicks have successfully fledged. I did see one of the chickadees at the feeders today, but my guess is that they are back in the woods a bit teaching the youngsters how to forage. Hopefully they'll visit the feeders with the kids in the next few days. Meanwhile, having determined that the box was empty, I did a quick clean up (consisting of removing the chickadee nest) and last I checked, one of the wrens was busy bringing sticks into the box, and singing his great, big song from on top of is new summer cottage! Pretty quick rental turnaround on this piece of property!

My blip today was going to be this puffed up Gray Catbird ... but he got usurped by the sexy turkey. Who could blame me?

Thanks so much for all your comments, hearts and stars on my little squirrel pelt yesterday. Glad you found it as funny as I did - it was so hilarious to see him just hanging upside down, noshing away on seeds!

Well, tomorrow is HumpDay - yay! And for those of us in the US, we are heading into a three-day weekend. Hoohaw!!

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