Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

You ain't seen me right?

Especially as I'm still off with the lurgy, but NHS24 reckoned fresh air was good for the fevery symptoms so we were down the park with Alex for a picnic.

Good news also that the two of us have broken free of the worst of the lurgy and now just have the cold (cheers for the kind words). Other good news is that I got a step up ring for the X10 delivered from the US (hooray I hear you all say), which means that the wee polariser I also bought works. Combine that with the fact that Knoydart looks like it's going to have good weather over the weekend means when I get back I may have a glut of the supersaturated and full colour...polariser and Velvia preset, do not adjust your computer screens.

One other final piece of news was that a job I had wanted doing and put a telephone call out to friends to see if the job I was needing doing could be done and quickly was done and quickly. Payment is in cash but I'm assured that there was no pain involved in the transaction.

I'll be pan frying again shortly... yum yum.....

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