
A dull, overcast day.

This morning I started reading the notes for Children's Hearings next week. I also had a visit from my son who also serves on the Panel so we had a good discussion of how the system could be improved. One of the problems that the System has is that, because it is unique in the world, we don't have other systems to look at to see where improvements could be made. Having said that, there have been many changes to Child Care laws which impact on the Hearing System and we have to work out how we can adapt.

In the afternoon I led the Bible Study Group which looked at the very topical issue of rich people in a world of poverty. The Bible is very relevant in what it says, despite what many people think.

As I was leaving I noticed these snowdrops, another sign that spring is on its way. It may not yet be very warm, but I love how tough these delicate plants can be in the face of frost and snow. A great example to us when we are facing tough situations that we need not lose our inherent gentleness of character.

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