The life & times of Jacks

By Jacqueline


I accidentally demolished a box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts tonight.  To make up for it I have been on the treadmill and have skipped dinner - still starvacious though!

And furniture village are royally pissing me off.
We ordered the dining room set in November and were told that the table and chairs were in stock and available.  The furniture was delivered (with the exception of said table and chairs).  We needed the table and chairs as we were hosting Christmas.  There were daily phonecalls on tracking down this promised table and chairs to the point the store manager gave us a table and cross backed chairs (we ordered upholstered chairs) and the promise they would swap them out in the new year.

I have been calling since January and no sign of my freaking chairs.

Next step is to turn up at the store and refuse to leave til they have my chairs.  Before hand though I am calling and demanding to speak to the manager this time instead of the saleswoman who always promises to call back but never does.

Oh there was a rant I didn't expect to come out.

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