The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Reincarnated Laugh

Nearly 10 years ago in a dingy nightclub, mummy met daddy. He wooed her with his dance moves and sheepskin coat then afterwards he treated her to flowers from the reduced bucket in the 24 hour Tesco. All was going well until he started to laugh. He sounded like a donkey with serious breathing issues.

Daddy would later claim that mummy's reaction that night meant that his laugh disappeared forever. He often spoke about how he missed that goofy sound. Until today that is, when he heard it again...coming out of MY mouth. The laugh was genetic! It had been reincarnated! Daddy rejoiced. I treated mummy to it all morning at the cinema and then again at granny Anne's and my great aunty and uncle's house.

Mummy and daddy keep telling me that sleep deprivation is a form of torture. But when sleep deprivation caused daddy to wear two odd shoes onto the rugby bus today he also discovered that it's a form of humiliation too. Oh how I laughed my new laugh!

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