An Invincible Summer.....

By TheFlipFlopper


.....fresh, looking like wealth I'm bout to call the papparazzi on myself.
~ Jay Z

Two photoshoots in seven days.....and this one involved all of me rather than just the hands haha!

Get me!

Soon I won't be getting out of bed for less than £10,000.....

Today was a shoot for the forth coming Debbie Bliss book. I've worked with her once before and she is such a lovely lady, and just like the last time I had such a fabulous day.....not only do I get to dress up and pose in lovely locations, I have an absolute ball at the same time.

We laughed so much today it was hard to keep a straight face in all of the shots.

As I am not allowed to disclose what was taken today, I took this; part of one of the walls in the room in the beautifully huge house that became our studio. This was used as a back drop for one of the images.

The room was washed in pure white and as the 24 degree sunshine shone through the windows everything was lit perfectly.

Needless to say that my flipflops managed to make a very rare appearance today, it has been long overdue and my record breaking attempt has taken a major blow.....but if the weather 'person' is to be believed then I could easily catch up.

We even managed to have lunch in the enormous sun drenched garden.....Happy Days ;)

I wish I could do this for a living, or better still, get a few more acting jobs under my belt, but for now, the occasional photo shoot here and there will have to do.....and it's back to the day job again tomorrow!

I hope we all had a lovely day in the sun ;) x

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