H818 conference

In IET we run a Masters programme, one element of which is a course called H818 The Networked Practitioner. It culminates in an online conference for the students (spread over three days). Each student does a 15 minute presentation about an elearning project of their choice that they have developed over the course. In each of the three days there is also a keynote, and it was my turn last night. This is the second year we have run it, and the level of presentations and research on display is remarkable. I had my doubts as to whether this format would work, but I think students really get a lot out of it, and it provides a great culmination to the course.
Doesn't make for a great photo though, but I spent from 7.30 am to 9.30 pm in front of my computer yesterday, so not much choice. Yes, you can break out the violins.

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