Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Build it and they will come...

Well, 200...finally.

The dramatic and sophisticated Blip planned for your delight and to mark this auspicious occasion went by the board. Heh heh...

Instead, this little creature represents one of the many detours that Blip's taken me on.
So taken of late by winged things... and it being known, thereabouts...someone recently gave me a (very flimsy and cheap) Birdfeeder to try out.
Having no garden, and a complicated set -up ...had to figure a way of rigging it up.
Hadn't noticed ANY of the smaller species in the area and wasn't very optimistic about attracting little birds and keeping pesky pigeons at bay.

Maybe though, I just hadn't been looking.
In fact until Blip my most occurring thoughts on birds consisted of ways to get down our alley without being hit by pigeon doodoo!

The feeder had only been up for a couple of hours when the first of the Bluetits arrived.
Flabbergasted and excited! HOW did they find it so quickly?

Now I can observe them close up right outside the window, however, it makes lighting tricky for for photos (need to figure something about that)

Before Blip...hanging out in Cafes and Bars - now, Birdwatching!!!
who would've guessed.

Uh's late, been a long day...wave of tiredness has just kicked in...eyelids desperately trying to close ....

just to say huge thank you's to all who've dropped by so far - thanks for all the encouragement and sharing of your great journals

nighty night

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