The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Sloth Bear

After months of living in steerage I was finally upgraded to first class. The days of sleeping in the travel cot are over. I am no longer a concussion risk and I have been entrusted to safely lower myself down in my cot after any hissy fits I deem necessary.

It's going to take me a while to get used to this new level of comfort so there were some settling-in problems last night that meant I was awake. A lot. This had a knock on effect on our day and we flew out the door late for our lunch date. I only had on one shoe.

After a quick play in the park, mummy took me to the museum. I squealed with delight at the taxidermy animals. My favourites were the sloth bear and the lion.
Are you sure these animals are definitely dead mummy and won't jump out at us?
Yes, she said.
Ok mummy, but you don't look too sure? Did you think the tiger eyed us up and down too...?

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