
Fortunately, having a wheelrim round my shoulders meant I chose the offest-roadiest route to the bike shop which meant I got the nice frosty-hazy option of Lochend Park. The wheelrim must have been glittering nicely in the sunlight but as it was attached to me rather than the bike and as I was a bit late getting round to divesting the dynohub of its old spokes after Amos decided to befoul himself extensively before breakfast I just settled for what I could see without dismounting. The wheel was ready for collection on the way home, and after re-fitting the pain-in-the-arse Gatorskin (for which my thumbs are not grateful) and stripping the bits of dynowire and computer sensor off the old fork I was seconds from popping up to fetch the bike (not exactly simple, as the best place for it is on the far side of the bedroom from the door, which would have required it to be stealthily eased out (through the narrow space between the foot of the bed and the various boxes all the various bits were delivered in) without waking anyone up) before I remembered about the rack bolt, which I wouldn't have time for in addition to the light wires, so it'll be one more day of sparebike tomorrow.

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