Violets journey

By Violetsjourney

Treatment complete!

Today I went with Violet and her mummy back to the hospital so that she could have more intravenous antibiotics.  We were delighted when it was decided that she can now have oral antibiotics at home which means no more trips to the hospital and the cannula is now out - yippee!
This is a not very good shot (on my phone - wanted to be careful not to capture other patients etc) of the lovely Paediatric Day Assessment Unit at the North Middlesex hospital where Violet received her treatment today.  She as looking at the screen of a  Starlight Fun Centre where Frozen was about to be played.  Click on the link for more info about the Fun centre and the charity which provided it.

We will never know  the exact cause of her illness as the first ( our local) hospital managed to lose the urine sample!

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