Seed's here!!!

We woke to a beautiful sunny day with frigid temperatures. It's the coldest sunny day of the winter so far.I guess it's the calm before the upcoming blizzard  beginning tomorrow into Sunday. I'm having a quiet day trying not to worry about drips, drifts, roof collapses and harsh howling winds. Instead of worrying about more snow accumulation I'm watching birds, especially the little  Tufted Titmice. They are real characters and love snatching shelled peanuts and wobbling away. This one was set up on the old Christmas tree in the garden by the feeders.

I could stay out only a short time in the jacket I pulled on quickly to go fill the bird feeders. I went back in and came out briefly with my Nikon and long lens. If I needed to stay out longer to get the shot I wanted I would have had to really bundle up, it's bitter out! 

National Guard troops have been called up in several local towns to dig out fire hydrants and street corners. We need to continue opening an area around our mailbox and get to one of the hydrants in our neighborhood this weekend. I'm a lot calmer today with most of our roof clear and the giant icicles gone. The sun may melt some snow, but it's just so cold. These are scary, historic times.

Downy Woodpecker

For the Record,
This day came in frigid with brilliant blue skies and a weak winter sun. The calm before the next white nightmare.

All hands healing

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