Sweet revenge!!

Catablog 5!

Hello, it's me again! You can tell whenever my Lady In Waiting has a quiet day because she lets me put in an appearance!!

This morning my LIW finally got around to unpacking her suitcase as she was just too darn tired to even think about it yesterday. Unbeknown to her, the minute her back was turned, I snuck into the room and made myself a cosy little nest right bang in the middle of her unpacking! And in doing so, I left a trail of little muddy footprints all over her clothes! Sweet revenge!!

That'll teach my LIW not to go away and abandon me! Having said that, I can't really complain. I was looked after very well in her absence: fresh fish every day and a new squeaky mouse to play with. Maybe I should feel a little guilty for my behaviour... Or maybe not. After all, can you blame me for finding the purrfect spot to curl up in a brief glimpse of sunshine for yet another catnap?!

Hope you all have a purrfect weekend full of refreshing catnaps!

=^.^= Toffee

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