An experiment

Friday 13th February 2015 (902)

I was supposed to be out with a friend today but she was ill. I decided to take it easy. Did a load of cooking this morning so the freezer is re-stocked. Did some tidying this afternoon but lost motivation. Decided to go to the cinema to see The Theory of Everything. I had planned to go three weeks ago but it was the day I was ill. The film reminded me of my friend Marian who died of MND about 10 years ago. 

Came home but didn't have a blip. Having been watching theories of the universe I was attracted by the clear sky and the stars. I have wanted to try star trails for ages. It wasn't too cold and I felt up to it so I gave it a try. Just after I started the cloud decided to blow over my house. I had no idea whether the photos were working so rather than stand there for ages and then find it was no good I stopped after 20 shots and came inside to try combining them. As you can see, it was starting to work! 

I went back out to try again but the cloud had beaten me. At least I know my camera can do it, it will just take a lot of time on a clear night. For now, it will have to stay on my "to do" list. Unfortunately my camera doesn't allow more than 10 automatic shots so creating a long trail will be hard work manually. 

I love seeing photos of star trails, reminding us that the world is spinning on an axis. I am amazed how much movement was detected in the 6 minutes it took to create this shot. 

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