America Day

5years 115days 

Stood in her favourite little "This is my new Mama-made outfit" spot and pose, my girl modelling her new outfit for the final day of half-term, America Day, at school. She was excited for the cheeseburger & fries lunch, excited to wear her new outfit. She skipped all the way to school, pettiskirt flouncing as she went. 

The day passed smoothly. She liked wearing the amazing hats each child had done for assembly. The whole school watched Pocahontas, which didn't massively impress her (it scared her). However the cheeseburgers with southern fried chicken lived up to the excitement and she was very chuffed how much her teachers liked her outfit. She was most pleased though after school when her teacher pulled me aside to tell me the Head has asked that she do the holiday homework - a creative writing project - that has been given to Y1-Y6 (she is Foundation Year). Her teacher was telling me about it and she was stood there bouncing beside me. It was good to see her so publicly enthused in front of him, so he got to see how keen she really is when given the opportunity to do things like this.

We came home and after tea she set straight to with the prep work for her project. They are to gather Lego men/figure toys and create inspiration boards of locations, story-lines etc to help prepare for a story about these figures. The rest of the school are doing the actual story writing in class when they go back. She is going to do it at home this week. So far, she has chosen her figures (2 lego friends, Royal Family happy land, a photographer, a surfer, a kangaroo, three koalas, a monkey, Minnie Mouse, Daisy Duck, Winnie the Pooh, Kermit, Fozzy and Gonzo) and she's decided the two main characters are travelling to London,  Australia and America. They are going to get lost in each place and be helped by someone from each place. And they will meet some soldiers in London who protect the Queen from dragons..... 

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