
By CarolineJay


Ceanothus, clematis, cerulean blue cosmos.

I had a dental check-up first thing, and they found a filling that needed doing and booked me in for two hours later (blimey! I thought, and I'm an NHS patient, too) so I went for a walk in the Park. It was just gorgeous, full of blips, wonderful smells, chirpy birds, and lots of council staff keeping the place looking good. Well done, them! But this did it for me - a lovely combination of two of my favourites against that sky. Looks good large, too.

Thanks to all you wonderful blippers who visited yesterday and left me lovely comments and congratulations. You're all marvellous, darlings!

For those who wondered about my original plan yesterday, I wanted to blip a composite of Yvonne and me sitting in the corner of a room with 300 days marked off on the wall. However, not being of a practical bent, I'd created the room in Photoshop so it would have contravened the rules on the grounds of elements not all being taken on the day, having graphics, and Yvonne's full frontal bearness. Never mind, it was good practice. Next time perhaps the Bliptons will take a commission to build a suitable stage set!

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