
By LorsDors

Took the girls to the Portrait Gallery today. We wanted to see the BP portrait exhibition which is excellent. There are some gloriously talented people in this world. Hugely interesting installation on the Ponte City in South Africa also. The girls managed to maintain interest for approximately forty minutes. Spurned on by the promise of cake, pausing only, in pursuit of said cake, to have their picture taken on the stairs.

Oh! And there's a delightful exhibition of James Mayhew illustrations at the National. Really lovely.

After that we headed to Vittoria's where we ate lots and the girls were coddled by attentive Italian waiters :) We like that .... They got lollies and everything.

Finally, alphabetical music update. I've whizzed through Chemical Brothers and am currently worshipping Neneh Cherry.

I may be here some time ;)

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