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By LovePopcorn

Rose "Cake" Flower Pot

This is not an official Wheel Piece.  I was attempting a doubled walled bowl when the inside wall collapsed and sank down while the outside wall flopped horizontally, then tore into a long ribbon-like section.
  This reminded me of the ribbon roses Mum used to make.  
Since the piece was beyond repair I started goofing around. Made 4 quick roses that were hastily attached to the "no longer a bowl but now a flowerpot".  Then I ruffled where the ribbon tore off. 
The piece took on a life of it's own - It needed colour! (It started to feel like I had given a Mouse a cookie!)  I applied Red slip to the roses and Green slip to the ruffle.  Then using a fan brush and Green slip along the rim, created "leaf" patterns.
As classmates passed by they commented on how it "looks like a cake!" or it "looked good enough to eat!"
I guess someone will eventually want it so I'll continue onwards and trim, glaze and fire it.

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