Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Arthurs Pass

I had a job I needed to see in Arthurs Pass, so I decided to go up there today rather than take such a large chunk of time out of a weekday. It was a house that was badly burned when struck by lightning, so we are completely refurbishing it and while we are at it, adding a new attic and foundations - interesting job. 

So time later to enjoy the mountains again. Hard choice of Blip image, should it be the gorgeous scarlet rata in Otira Gorge, or the tortured shapes of the beech forest canopy against the clear blue sky, a slow shutter shot of water cascading over rocks in the river maybe, or just a vista of the majestic jagged peaks? In the end I settled for an image of this South Island tomtit that I spent a fun 5 minutes with, as it flitted around in the bush on the edge of the track. A very satisfying and relaxing day.

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