The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the Sleep Bank

Wouldn't it be great if all the sleeping mummy did in her past life could have been deposited into a sleep bank and saved up for times like this when sleep was scarce. She would be withdrawing it at such a rate the fraud squad would be enquiring about the frequent activity on her account.

It was mummy's turn for an Olympic performance at baby sensory today. Her acrobatic diving into the 'under the sea' display was first class if not a little painful. She grabbed me just in time before I wiped out another baby. Afterwards we embarked on a record breaking FOUR hour lunch.

We are cleaning out my nappy bag tonight in preparation for my first full day at the childminder tomorrow. The bag hasn't been cleaned in 10 months. Please don't let there be anything alive in there...

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