Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you!  My dearest friend came to visit and we took off to get Uncle Johns.  Had to run some errands and ended up at the Pet Store where these 2 little bonded orphan parakeets sat at a register hoping to be adopted.  Well as we were checking out the Uncle kept talking to them and looking at them and finally said he wanted them.  So guess what, they came home with uncle John.  My friend who is wonderful with birds got them situated at Uncle John's, we cleaned the cage, fresh water, fresh food and then while trying to change out the perches, the green one escaped and took a 10 minute flight around the house!!!!!  She captured him with a towel and all was well.  

After a bit these two little birds seemed to be very happy with their new home.  They were cuddling and eating and just seemed to enjoy!  Uncle John is very happy!!!  The birds seemed happy too!!


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