
Having gone ten days without being able to blip (do look at some of my last ten backblips!) I have had plenty of time to consider what it takes to successfully post a blip daily, and it was more than I'd realised:

1. A subject or idea: something that you respond to, that you really notice.
2. Great light (not always available, therefore optional).
3. A camera of sorts, and knowing how to use it (or sort-of use it).
4. A device (such as my laptop) with which to upload your image, and again, the ability to use it. I've felt madly frustrated not having mine around for the last while.
5. A signal!
6. Data! 
7. An editing program if you'd like to give the image a bit of a lift.
8. Me (essential, I find).
9. Time (always helpful).
10. The desire to blip!

So these are my needs. My daughter thinks they're quite funny. I say they're valid, for me.

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