BIG trouble??!!

I am in BIG trouble?!

It's been a beautiful day, so after we went back to Asda to buy more cheap wine it's now £2.75 a bottle, we went to the dunes so that I could go bunny chasing.

I did bunny chasing for more than an hour.  Ann loves taking me for my walk on the dunes because I stay lovely and clean and I do so much running that I tire myself out and then I just snooze in my bed for the rest of the day.

Anyway, it was a lovely sunny day and we were almost back to the car when do you know what I did?  ............................I found a little muddy bog to have a cool down in???  Well, it's hot, thirsty work chasing bunnies.

Ann went ballistic at me.

Wallowing in muddy bogs is fun. 

......................Having Ann rant at me for two hours is not!!!

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