Hot and Dry

It did’t get uncomfortably hot today but the Otago and Southland area that we live in is showing the signs.
Bark in Wanaka we have a lake full of water but get away from town just a bit and everything changes. 
The Boss has been driven sane by Flickr today as he has fought with the amazingly funny results he has had trying to copy links from a single image and finding that some of the computers here go great and some come up with a black error page. Links copied from Blip all work perfect on any device.
For instance. From Flickr his ipad works fine. The Bossess’s won't (it is a later model)
His W7 SeniorNet laptop works fine The Bossess’s W7 PC won’t. His Mac works fine His Phone won’t.
He has had some odd history with Flickr as a years ago it took lots of emails to support to get it to work on AppleTV and in the end that got solved by the tech boffins who never said why. They just fixed it.
Anyway I think it might become plan B after some more time at this tonight.
Please excuse the changing link landscape at the bottom as experiments are carried out.

I am going to find my frog to chew. It is really reliable and makes the most wonderful Quionk  noise. I have had it for years and you don’t need a link.
Here's the link to yesterdays Fiddle Lady Here


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