I've got the duck!

This Picture Lotto game I feel I must have mentioned before, but it is worth another blip, as it is the most used game we have. Every time any of the grandchildren visit – out it comes, and game after game is played. They never tire of it. Here’s the three year old playing with great concentration.
The game is actually at least 35 years old, as I bought it for our girls when they were very young. It was stored away when they got older and then it has come out again and has entertained all three grandchildren over the last years. The pictures are old-fashioned, the cards are bending and the box is falling to pieces, but still it lives on. What’s the attraction? Well it is obviously a game that everyone can play at the same level, just as soon as they are able to match pictures. The pictures are bold and colourful. I suppose in the end, it just feels right.
Grandad’s pancakes were a big success!

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