A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

A Pert Miss

I went to visit a herbalist today. I have some dry itchy skin which I have had for a while. I have not bothered to see my GP about it because what are they going to do? Give me a cream which will improve it a bit but when I stop using it the problem will come straight back.

We talked about my diet and stuff and I have been given some ideas for how to improve it and what things to switch for things that aren't so good for me. One of my major problems is what to eat before training during the day. She suggested protein shakes which is something I had not considered but will definitely give it a shot in place of the sugary granola bar I normally eat. I also have a herbal tea to drink (yummy) and a tincture (yucky). These changes might not only help my skin but also my hayfever and a nausea problem that I have. Don't get that from a steroid cream eh? To be fair I might not get it from this but it is worth a try and I feel optimistic. Improving my diet can only be a good thing in any case.

I am to go back in a month so I will report back as to whether it is helping.

I should probably explain the title - the herb shop had a display which had some of those old adverts. One was a remedy to improve the behaviour of Pert Misses!

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