It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco


Silly title and you'll only know this if you like Spike Milligan. 
I had to blip my precious boy today. He is still giving us great concern with this back leg or his back. He still doesn't walk right or comfortably. However he still has puppy dog excitement about his walks and I have been spending even more time with him lately and he is such a character.

I dont know what we will do about his problems and I hope he isn't in pain. We have become quite inseparable ....even more so than before and I tend to take a prestigious amount of care of him when we are out., cause there are some real dorks about that own dogs. 

He found his prize stick this morning which he promptly broke into three parts and happily carried it home. He hasn't done that in a while.  It reminds me of when he was a puppy.

So today you have Mr Diesel looking happy. 

The dawn breaks much earlier now and the birds are siging and hopefully not too long before the beautiful bugs start buzzing! ;-) (I dont think Ive ever heard myself wishing for bugs!) Odd what photography can do to ya! 

Getting thoroughly engrossed in Game Of Thrones 4! In fact Im off to watch episode 4 already.

Storm Born Draco Dragon ;-)  xx

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