
The Hereford cows were looking with envy as I walked across their field this afternoon.  They love to be out but the field is far too wet and they would tread it to mud in no time and there is no grass to eat!

Gardening in the morning, trying to fend off a cold, eating masses of fruit and getting fresh air. T picked up some other farmers and they drove to North Petherton for the annual NRoSO (National Register of Sprayer Operators) training day.  Each farmer who sprays his crops has to collect 30 or more  points every 3 years in order to belong to a farm assurance scheme and at the meetings they can be notified of anything new which might be useful to them.  It is usually quite boring as a lot of the same information is repeated year after year but it is something that has to be done.  This time it is being held in a pub so that may be more tempting!

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