
By weewilkie

mindfulness of a leaking roof

Went for an enjoyable coffee with a couple of colleagues this afternoon. One had been having bother with getting a factor, the person overseeing repairs in her building, to notify the other people living there about the need to repair the leak in the roof. She lives on the top floor and it has been three weeks since the temporary repair was done. Since then there has been Glasgow weather, one day after the other.

She is very interested in mindfulness and we talked a lot about it. She was trying to be mindful while talking to the factor's office. She said that "the Universe brings you what you need". Meaning that there was a lesson for her in how she dealt with getting the roof fixed. She was practising the mindfulness of a leaking roof.

I loved this. Sometimes, when things are most difficult or trying, we wonder why these things always happen to us. But flipping this logic we see that problems happen to us because we need to learn how to deal with them. By learning how to deal with them we become better at overcoming the difficult things in our lives. By not dealing with them well we re-experience them again and again.

So, if there is a leaky roof in your life thank the Universe for the opportunity to show it how you have understood why it is happening and that you can unkink this thing in yourself that is making your life difficult and breathe and see life a little clearer.

Onwards !

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