The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

To the park ...

I remember when I was a little girl we would look for the grebes when we visited the local park - we weren't a very birdy family at all, but the grebes were always considered something special.

I bumped into a lovely birding chap while I was at the park - he keeps a close eye on the wildlife in the park (currently ensuring that the rowers aren't allowed anywhere near the nests of breeding waterbirds) - he said today is the first day he's seen the grebe. 

The male has arrived - in advance of the female - and is busy constructing the nuptial nest. My bird expert, Dave, tells me there will be two nests - one where the mating happens, then around the other side of the island in the middle of the lake there will be a second nest where the eggs will be laid.

A couple of years ago I visited the park and was delighted to see the female swimming about with four babies on her back - here. But when I returned each of the following days there was one less baby, until none remained ..

Dave said they had three broods that year - after the first two failed the father grebe took two babies from the third brood to one end of the lake to raise and the mother took the third baby to the other end of the lake to raise.

Such clever birds!

Educational here, innit!

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