The Adventures of Eli

By victoriaparker

Eli and the First Valentine

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I know it's 5am
But I. Love. You.

An early start, I just couldn't wait
For me and mummy's
First valentine's date.
Off we went quite the thing
To the cinema to see the Lion King.
An afternoon watching daddy play
And he finally WON way-hay-hay!

Into bed, I've done my part
Your turn daddy to win mummy's heart.
Eli, he said, my job is done
I gave her you, our beautiful son.

Really daddy, that's all you've got?
No flowers? Chocolates? That's your lot?
I like your style
You better hope mummy does too!
See you both at 5am
But remember...
I. Love. You.

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